Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy Anniversary!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Birthday to the Coolest Aunt EVER!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Rooftop Christmas Party

From L to R: Emily, Dori, Connie (my Mom), Abby, Destry, Chandler, Me, and Jane. PS. Thanks to Abby for the picture.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Holy "wawa"
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Is there sugar in honey? Then YES!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Family Pics
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Breakfast with Santa

Saddie, Marin, Jase, & McKin. Thanks to my great friends for coming, and thank you to Misti for the pictures. Thank goodness that there are good friends around to help a girl out who can't remember her camera!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
McKin's Quote of the Day
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday G-Dub
He's a great uncle and example to our girls and isn't afraid to do what's right. He loves sports and is fun to watch, someday he's going to be a great coach or sports analyst! Have a great day Buckwheat, even though it's Thanksgiving we hope you get a little of the spotlight. Our wish is that you will get to sit in a clean house, watch ESPN, and that it rains (little inside joke). Love ya!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Crazy 8 Tag
8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. The Office
2. American Idol
3. Biggest Loser
4. Jon & Kate plus 8
5. Supernanny
6. Hannity & Colmes, O'Reilly Factor (I'll group them since they are pretty similar)
7. Dateline
8. Home Shows (House Hunters, Property Virgins, etc.)
Also, my guilty pleasure is Desperate Housewives. I can't beleive I just admitted that on the internet, but it's really pretty good and funny!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Wasabi (yummm....sushi)
2. Benihana
3. Johny Carino's
4. Olive Garden
5. Rodizio Grill
6. Outback
7. The Sea Grill or Tavern on the Greene in NYC (I'll probably never go there again, but they were awesome!)
8. Maddox
8 things that happened today (the tag is supposed to say yesterday, but I can't remember that far):
1. Got our water heater hopefully fixed! Yay! No more carbon monoxide poisoning for this family, no sir. It's a long story but we are all alive.
2. The new fireplace for our basement was delivered.
3. Exercised, every little bit helps I guess.
4. Watched Christmas movies with the girls and helped them make Christmas lists. It's a little premature but there's nothing wrong with lengthening the Christmas season as long as possible.
5. I folded laundry and made stir fry for dinner, really exciting I know.
6. Annie the Nanny came over, yay!
7. Had a wonderful but rushed FHE lesson on the First Vision given by Chan and wonderful treats made by me with some help from the girls and then had to stand firm and not let McKinley have any because she didn't eat her dinner. I hate that.
8. Fought with McKinley about taking her Flinstone vitamin.
8 things I look forward to:
1. Hawaii with my family in March!
2. Sundays, or weekends in general, but mostly Sundays.
3. Not having 2 kids in diapers.
4. Summer, I know it's a little early but still......
5. Christmas, Christmas shopping, I pretty much love the whole season.
6. Taking some fun family trips when the girls are a little older.
7. Uninterrupted Sleep
8. Chan getting home from work everyday
8 Things I love about fall:
1. Football, mostly BYU Football
2. School starting, it's always exciting
3. Harvest
4. Apple Cider
5. Knowing that Christmas is getting closer
6. Primary Programs
7. Time change, gotta love the extra hour. There's nothing better than thinking you are going to be late for church and then realizing you have an extra hour and that you are doing awesome! However, I'm usually still late.
8. Halloween and seeing your kids in their costumes.
8 things on my wishlist:
1. A full year's supply of food storage
2. To be skinnier, that will probably be there forever.
3. Millions of dollars
4. I agree with Misti, season pass to a spa
5. For BYU to kill Utah in every single athletic competition the two ever meet in.
6. A Son
7. A kindle, that is the coolest invention ever.
8. Not to get too mushy, but mostly that my kids will grow up healthy, happy, and with strong testimonies.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween Bugs!
We went to the ward trunk or treat, McKin and Ellie made camp by the Manwarings van to start in on their stash.
After Halle had gotten her candy she helped Dad and Quincy hand out candy.
Quincy and her future best friend, Macey Montano. They are only 2 weeks apart.
We had a great Halloween, after the Trunk or Treat we visited Chan's parents and then went with the Manwarings around our neighborhood and it was surprisingly nice weather. It was really nice not to have to figure out how to keep your kids warm and still have their costumes show. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom and Nana!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tag from Jennie
Here's 6 weird/random things about me (it was hard to narrow it to 6):
1. My most FAVORITE food is Sushi, but the food I hate the most is chinese food. I know it doesn't make sense but I'm talking about the nasty cheap chinese food that you have to scrape the shortening off the top of your mouth when you are done and that buy MSG by the barrel. Sadly, this is one of Chan's favorite foods so I do tolerate it once in a while to prove what a good wife I am =)
2. I love politics and watch a probably unhealthy amount of Fox News. Maybe someday I'll be the next Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck.....
3. I can't seem to write anything without using the ellipsis (....) It's my favorite punctuation! I like to use it for dramatic pauses, or for trailing thoughts, and I use it probably way too much. See above.
4. One of the things I can't stand the most is knowing that someone else is having fun, and I'm not. I LOVE parties, and my family will attest that I will go do GREAT lengths to not miss anything fun.
5. I LOVE to read, but don't do it as much as I should because I know what happens when I start to read (because putting down the book for anything less than a natural disaster isn't an option): my kids eat junk whenever and wherever they want, my husband complains that I don't talk to him, my house turns into a disaster, and I don't shower or sleep.
6. One of my worst habits is interrupting. I used to be horrible at it, but I like to think I have gotten a little better. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize right now to everyone I have ever interrupted.
So there ya go, 6 of the probably thousands of weird things about me. I'm not going to pass this on because I'm way too tired to leave all the comments, etc., etc, but if anyone wants to do this, then feel free!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Whitney!
Today, my gorgeous youngest sister and sibling turns 14 years old! When I was her age, she wasn't even 1 yet! I'm scared to think what our family would be like without Whitney, she is the perfect youngest child! She is an amazing aunt to my girls and a great help. She is also a great friend to me, a talented dancer, smart, very popular with all her friends, and thankfully VERY innocent. When she was younger her excuse for everything was "Hello, I'm a pre-teen," but lately she's been turning into quite the teenager and it's fun to see her grow. Whitney lights up the room and brings fun everywhere she goes. We hope you have a great birthday Whit, love you!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Quincy's Pumpkin
McKinley's Pumpkin
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's been a while...
Finally, does this look familiar? Carrying one baby, pushing another, purse on the ground....wonder who this girl's been watching.
Oh, one more thing.. .last night McKinley announced out of the blue that she would be voting for Barack Obama. We're a divided household.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Chipmunk Adventure

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Farewell to Summer
The nice fall part isn't so bad and then it's fun to have a little snow around Christmas, but by January 2nd I'm dying for it to be warm again, and by March I'm ready to scream. This is now what winter means for me and all Idaho moms pretty much:
- Your child's average amount of TV intake per day dramatically increases.
- I do try to encourage non-television related activities, however those usually involve mess making to some degree which is a downside.
- Your children will still want to play outside, so you'll take 1/2 hour to drag out the snow clothes, bundle them up and then they will play outside for 10 minutes and then come back in because they are cold.
- Any step out of the door for whatever reason takes twice as long, all the extra clothes and shoes and socks.
Here is some of the Pheasant Hollow neighborhood gang, as Chan calls them, in our backyard for one of the last summer play sessions of 2008.
Anna (the upside down one, this is usually how we see Anna!), Ogden, McKinley, Halle, Ellie, and Emma
McKin performing her dance for everyone (hmm..... McKinley performing, that's weird) and Halle and Ellie on the swing. Halle loves Ellie, she takes such good care of her.
So goodbye summer, don't be too long.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Quincy's Blessing
Garrett's a Senior, & Easton is 1... I CANNOT BELEIVE IT!
McKinley won a t-shirt from the cheerleaders and put it on, as you can see it fits her perfectly.