For Halloween, McKinley was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Halle was the cowardly lion. At the last minute we talked Annie into being the scarecrow. I chickened out and went as a "BYU Fan."
Chandler took McKinley around to get candy while Halle and I did hand out duty at the ward Trunk or Treat. My $0.06 24 pack crayons from Target were a hit. Here's Chan, McKin, and Dustin Albertson (Annie's little brother)
More Fun at the Trunk or Treat
If that isn't the cutest little lion you've ever seen in your life, well then I just don't know what else to tell you.
The girls and I next to our Jack-o-Lanterns that we did at the Montanos. Don't you love McKinley's painting job? Whatever artistic talent she has is worlds more than mine. Is that some unique and creative pumpkin carving or what? HA
After the Trunk or Treat, we went around our neighborhood with the Whitney's and the Manwarings. McKin hasn't been feeling too hot and so we called it a night a little early. Can you beleive we still had little kids ringing our door bell at 9:30?? I was like "HELLO, School night, kids in bed," I think I made some high school kids feel bad when I opened the door and without thinking said "It's kinda late and we are trying to put kids in bed guys" and then I noticed one of them was a good kid from my ward. OUCH! Leave it to me, I guess. Those guys definitely weren't as bad as the probably 3 and 5 year old kids that rang my doorbell at 9:30 with their mom in the car waiting. By the way - if anyone who reads this was trick or treating at 9:30 then please disregard all of the above. This is a photo from the end of the long night.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Whitney!
This post is a little late, but yesterday my beautiful youngest sibling turned 13 and is entering her teenage years, watch out! My parents took us to Texas Road House for dinner and then we went to Jill and Shannon's to open gifts. Happy Birthday Whitney - you're a great girl, well-liked among all your peers, a wonderful aunt and good example to everyone around you. We love you!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Weekend of Halloween Parties
Well we had a fun weekend of parties, on Friday we went to a party with some of Chandler's high school friends and on Saturday we had an Elder's Quorum party. To both, Chan and I went as Jim and Pam from the Office. It was pretty fun, watch the Manwaring's Blog for a photo. They went as Dwight and Angela and were perfect! Last night we had a great time carving pumpkins at the Montano's house and we are looking forward to tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well, our little family is going to be movie stars...not really, but we are going to be Southeast Idaho's newest faces of the Bingham Memorial Hospital Birthing Center, pretty much the same thing right? On Friday we spent the whole afternoon and into the evening, videoing a television commercial telling about my experience having Halle at the hospital in Blackfoot. I even had a very pregnant stunt double! It was only a 60 second commercial but I now have a respect for movie stars and producers because it took FOREVER (everything we did had to be done at least 10 times) and acting is not Chandler's or my greatest quality. When they told Chandler and I that we had to look at each other and look concerned about our baby's cord wrapped around her neck, we both agreed that taking drama in high school may have come in handy.
The video guys needed a subject to check their lighting on, and McKinley was all too happy to volunteer, she thought she was pretty hot stuff. Of course when it came time for McKin to really do her part (play with Halle) she was totally uncooperative, so we're not quite sure if she'll get left on the cutting room floor or not. I'll post a video of the real commercial when we get it, since they are supposed to get us a DVD. So watch for us on tv and in the newspaper in the upcoming weeks and hopefully no one will be embarrassed to admit they know us after the debut since we feel a little silly ourselves. Now I'm just getting up the courage to ask for money off our very large hospital bill.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Detroit, Michigan here he comes!
Well, Tanner opened his mission call on Saturday and he leaves January 9th for the Detroit Michigan mission. He is very excited and we are really proud of him and the great kid that he is. He will be a great missionary but we will really miss him.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
McKinley's funny comments
McKinley was really on a roll yesterday, so I have to share her two funny comments she made.
First, I was laying on the ground with Halle's legs around my neck so that her face was right above mine. I told McKinley to come over because I needed to tell her a story. I told her that when she was a baby she was sitting like that with her "Bompa" and she spit up all over his face. We had a good laugh (sorry dad) and then she said "What's the next page?"
McKin barely touched her dinner last night, so after she proclaimed she was done after one bite, we told her that if she didn't eat more dinner there would be nothing but water for the rest of the night and she said ok. So of course all night she was begging for food and I kept repeating the consequence of her earlier choice and that she could only have water. She was trying to pull some major negotiations asking for all kinds of food and then she gave up on that and starting asking for chocolate milk and juice and I kept repeating that all she could have was water. After a while she gave up on those and came and said "Can have some chocolate water?"
What a funny girl!
First, I was laying on the ground with Halle's legs around my neck so that her face was right above mine. I told McKinley to come over because I needed to tell her a story. I told her that when she was a baby she was sitting like that with her "Bompa" and she spit up all over his face. We had a good laugh (sorry dad) and then she said "What's the next page?"
McKin barely touched her dinner last night, so after she proclaimed she was done after one bite, we told her that if she didn't eat more dinner there would be nothing but water for the rest of the night and she said ok. So of course all night she was begging for food and I kept repeating the consequence of her earlier choice and that she could only have water. She was trying to pull some major negotiations asking for all kinds of food and then she gave up on that and starting asking for chocolate milk and juice and I kept repeating that all she could have was water. After a while she gave up on those and came and said "Can have some chocolate water?"
What a funny girl!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I have been tagged!
My friend Kamber has tagged me so here it goes -
The Rules are:
A. Each player create a post listing 6 facts/habits about self.
B. At the end of the post the player then tags 6 people and post their names. Then go to each of their blogs and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged and to read your blog for the rules.
So my 6 things are...
1. I am a total nighttime person, I rarely go to bed before midnight.
2. I also often myself dancing, McKinley really thinks its a rule in our family that when I turn up the music, you have to dance. (Kamber - remember the good old Rexburg days when we were awesome dancers?)
3. I really dislike Chinese food (Not the nice stuff like PF Changs, we are talking the places that barely pass health code inspections and buy MSG by the barrel like my husband loves)
4. I am always late, not because I'm lazy but because I hate the idea of getting somewhere early and having to waste precious time waiting. Consequently I always cut it way to close and am late.
5. I too have an addiction for the office and desperate housewives is my guilty pleasure. (It's really not as bad as it sounds)
6. I'm the oldest of 6 and am fiercely protective of my younger brothers and sisters. If someone hurts them, you'd better watch out. They all feel like they have 2 moms - sorry guys.
There you have it... I tag Jill Lucas, Hailey Bradshaw, Whitney Wahlen, Amber Manwaring, Emily Hanson, & Annie Albertson.
The Rules are:
A. Each player create a post listing 6 facts/habits about self.
B. At the end of the post the player then tags 6 people and post their names. Then go to each of their blogs and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged and to read your blog for the rules.
So my 6 things are...
1. I am a total nighttime person, I rarely go to bed before midnight.
2. I also often myself dancing, McKinley really thinks its a rule in our family that when I turn up the music, you have to dance. (Kamber - remember the good old Rexburg days when we were awesome dancers?)
3. I really dislike Chinese food (Not the nice stuff like PF Changs, we are talking the places that barely pass health code inspections and buy MSG by the barrel like my husband loves)
4. I am always late, not because I'm lazy but because I hate the idea of getting somewhere early and having to waste precious time waiting. Consequently I always cut it way to close and am late.
5. I too have an addiction for the office and desperate housewives is my guilty pleasure. (It's really not as bad as it sounds)
6. I'm the oldest of 6 and am fiercely protective of my younger brothers and sisters. If someone hurts them, you'd better watch out. They all feel like they have 2 moms - sorry guys.
There you have it... I tag Jill Lucas, Hailey Bradshaw, Whitney Wahlen, Amber Manwaring, Emily Hanson, & Annie Albertson.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Halle's Makeover
Yesterday, McKinley got some Halloween stickers at pre-school. I left the room for a moment and came back to find Halle all decorated!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Painful Night
Tuesday morning, Halle woke up at 5:00 and half asleep I went to get her. We usually always leave our bedroom door open but McKinley had came in and closed it. Anyway, it was pitch black and I was hurrying to get Halle and ran smack into our bedroom door! It killed my nose and I thought I broke it at first but everything appears to be fine. Chandler woke up to a huge crash and turned on the light to find me on the floor with blood everywhere, so he was a little freaked out. Everything turned out ok and my nose is just a little sore still, especially when Halle bats at it and my ego is a little bruised as well. All worth it to get out of a nighttime feeding, I suppose!
Our little dancer
Today was McKinley's first day of dance class at Downtown Dance Studio. She was so excited! About 50 times this morning she told me "I'm so excited to go to dance mom" and was prancing around in all her new leotards and skirts. Her friends Baylee Whitney and Marin Montano are in her same class so she was really excited about that.
Maybe I should have asked her beforehand if she needed to go to the bathroom.
Pretty sure she's not supposed to be laying on the ground right then, but oh well. She's having fun!
This pic was real blurry, but I needed to prove that she was actually doing what she was supposed to some of the time.
Easton is HERE!
Easton Shannon Lucas was born on October 2nd at 3:45 in the morning. He is healthy and Jill is doing great! He looks just like his dad. My camera wasn't working very well so Hailey took some pictures for me, so I'll have to add more pictures later. We are so excited to have little Easton in our family and McKinley and Halle are glad to finally have a Wahlen cousin! When we told McKinley that Jill was Easton's mom, she said "No, your not his mom, your Jill" Lately she's been having a hard time knowing that one person can be two things. She doesn't think Jill can be her aunt AND Easton's mom, but I guess she'll figure it out. We love you Easton!
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