Saturday, September 29, 2007
Let it SNOW
A glimpse into the life of Hailey Bradshaw
Thanks to Marc & Hailey for hanging out with us, we had a great time!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Office Premier Party

Thanks to everyone for coming, and we missed those who couldn't make it. Looks like its shaping up to be a great season!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Fun Sister Moment
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The most wonderful day in the life of a mom
Ride Night at the Fair
Chan, Halle & Nana were the oberservers while we went on the merri-go-round. At the last second they said I could hold Halle so she ended up coming
Dad, Halle, me, McKinley, Whitney and our "adopted daughter" (not really) Anne on the merri-go-round. I love that my dad wasn't too old or too cool to get on the horse with his granddaughter. PS - Thanks to Becky for teaching me how to do the collages!

McKin & I getting ready to go on the cars
McKin, Annie & Whitney. These girls were good sports to go on all the "kiddie rides" with Mckin.
Annie & McKin on the Kangaroos!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Girls Party
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
First Day of Preschool
McKinley is probably the youngest one at the pre-school but she loves it and I'm sure she'll do great. When she got home she ran in yelling "I had so much fun at pre-school!" She made a little lion craft and brought it home in her backpack. She told me that "she did everything the teacher said and didn't whine or cry about it."
Here's hoping the rest of the year goes well!
I've been tagged
1. Who is your man? Chandler K. Daw
2.How long have you been together? We will be married for 6 years in December
3.How long did you date? We dated for 6 months and were engaged for 3, nothing like Justin & Amber's whirlwind courtship!
4.How old is your man? 28
5.Who eats more? Hmmm...this is pretty close, but Chandler says it's him. It's probably pretty even which is sad. Amber - There is no way anyone over 12 eats more than you do!
6.Who said I love you first? He did, right in front of the temple while we were watching the 4th of July fireworks.....ooh how sweet.
7.Who is taller? Chan is 6'0" and I am about 5'6" so he is
8. Who sings better? I definitely do. Chan has a little problem with tone deafness, but that's one of the things I love about him, he's still not afraid to sing out. For the first year we were married, I don't think I got through one hymn without giggling. He's gotten a lot better though.
9. Who is smarter? I did better in school, but he's more street smart than I am, so I think it depends on the subject.
10. Whose temper is worse? Definitely his, I know what everyone's thinking. No, not calm, relaxed, mild Chandler but yes it is definitely him.
11. Who does the laundry? I do. This is one chore Chan has never had to do, but I realized when I do ask him to help out, I need to be specific. One time, I asked him to switch the load from the washer to the dryer and the next morning I went down to find a load of wet, mildewy clothes sitting in the dryer. Apparently I forgot to ask him to also start the dryer.
12. Who does the dishes? I do the majority of the time, Chan is good to help out once in a while.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, he sleeps on the side of the door so he can protect me if someone comes in. I know I have weird logic, and we have a new security system so I don't know why I even worry (yes, we fall for nearly every door-to-door sales pitch known to man)
14. Who pays the bills? I do, but we both know where we stand. We see eye-to-eye pretty well on money issues.
15. Who is better at the computer? He's better at the really technical stuff, like hooking things up, I'm probably better at typing and that's about it.
16. Who mows the lawn? Until very recently, Chandler always did. The 1st time I tried a push mower I fell in the window well..... stop laughing! But we just bought a riding mower, which is what I am used to, so I like to do it and have McKin ride with me but Chan usually goes back and fixes all my mistakes.
17. Who cooks dinner? I do, I'm very fortunate to have a husband that will eat almost anything.
18. Who drives when you are together? He always does, and I've become a worse driver since we got married, which is hard to believe I know. He's amazing, he can drive forever even really late at night and not fall asleep...which is great since I'm not a big fan of driving.
19. Who pays when you go out? Same as Amber, Chandler carries his stuff in a big huge planner so he usually gets out my wallet and pays.
20. Who is more stubborn? We both can be at times, I would say he is but I'm sure he'd disagree. He's definitely more stubborn when it comes to arguing...see below.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Definitely me, I have to admit I'm wrong even when I'm not just to have the privilege of having communication in my marriage. I always joke (kind of) that if it weren't for me, we would still be in our very first fight.
22. Whose parents do you see most? Mine
23. Who kissed who first? Chandler practically attacked me (I didn't put up much of a fight), but he says to say that I couldn't keep my hands off him.
24. Who asked who out? What turned out to be our first date, wasn't really a date to begin with so it's hard to say but after that he kept asking me out, so I would say he asked me.
25. Who proposed first? He did, does anyone really propose second?
26. Who is more sensitive? Definitely me, Chandler is a pretty hard guy to offend. That's why we go well together, because he doesn't take offense to all the stupid things I say.
27. Who has more friends? That's hard to say, I think we both have a lot of great friends.
28. Who has more siblings? I do, he has 3 and I have 5.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Chandler says it's me, which is probably true. I'm more decisive and Chan just goes with the flow.
I now tag Hailey Bradshaw, the only person left that I know who blogs and hasn't been tagged yet!
It's the most wonderful time of the year.......sort of.
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Hogle Zoo, how'd we get out?
McKin posing with the zebras or "Marty" from Madagascar to the late person.
McKin was quite the tour guide and would tell us where it was time to go next. First the elephants, then the bear, next the penguins and then the crocodiles.......
Mom helping McKin get a drink in the Lions Head.
McKin & I with the giraffes which were her favorite animal at the zoo. As you can probably tell by now it is nearly impossible for McKinley to take a picture with her hands by her sides. They always have to be in some sort of weird pose.
Whitney and Kin with the giraffe. Again with the posing, wow! In this building there were signs posted everywhere asking everyone to please keep their voices down and make no loud noises or sudden movements because it could scare the animals so of course on the way down the stairs McKinley lets out a blood curdling scream for no apparent reason at all and then my reaction to yell at her for screaming just added to the loudness coming from our family. Luckily, we didn't get thrown out.
She couldn't pass up the chance to pose with the Rhino!
Me, McKin, & Whit with the camels. The last animal of the day, we then went on a little train ride around the zoo which she loved of course. Thanks to Mom & Whit for giving up the BYU game to come and hang with me & McKin.
After the zoo, we went back to Lovinia's to change and then to Alpine for the reception. We stayed in Provo on Saturday and on Sunday we went to my mom's cousin's sacrament meeting in Springville and then we went and saw Tanner's dorm and met his new roommates who were all nice boys and SO EXCITED to be at college. Tanner's already met some interesting people, he said he accidently collided with a kid at the net when they were playing volleyball and when he apologized the kid said it was ok because he'd taken much harder hits than that while running cross country (sorry to all the cross country lovers out there, I'm really not putting it down.) It will be a great experience for him to be at the Y, even though we miss him!
After that we went to of course Chuck-A-Rama (my mom's Uncle Alva started the restaurant and it's now owned by my mom's cousins, so eat there when we get the chance) and met my mom's sister Deb and her husband and sons Dave, Matt & Trevor. Matt & Trevor are going to BYU as well so they were there dropping them off and it was great to get to see them! We got to have Garrett ride home with us, which was great. He's such a great uncle and a fun guy to be around. It was a really fun weekend!
Congratulations Bret & Whitney
The beautiful women in the groom's family: Peyton, Katie, Taylor, & McKenzie
Good Luck Bret & Whitney and Congratulations!