Today, my Aunt Wendy Annette Wahlen has a birthday and turns 25 (close enough)! All the Wahlen cousins will agree that their is no cooler lady around than Wendy. She is so awesome that we even named little Quincy Annette after her in hopes she will be half as neat. Wendy is a great teacher in Long Beach and is working hard to get certified to become a principal. The kids she teaches don't have much going for them in life, but they do have the best teacher who cares about them and teaches them life lessons they might not learn elsewhere. She loves politics (yes, we are related) and got to go help out with Mitt Romney's campaign this year and even got to ride on his plane! She is a great example of ALWAYS standing up for what you beleive in, no matter what. She has a great testimony and loves her nieces and nephews so much and would do anything for us. I have wonderful memories of when I was little and Wendy would go to great lengths to make sure we were always having a fun time. I know I can always count on her and treasure all the time I get to spend with her. I love you Wend, hope you have a great day and a great Christmas! You deserve it!

That is definitely right. She is the coolest aunt ever! Love ya Wend and Happy Birthday!!
She is so amazing! I love her too!
Wow Angie, Thank you so much! I have neglected my blog lately so I didn't see this until today. Thank you so much! I love you and your family so much. Love ya Aunt Wendy
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