Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Anniversary Babe!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sledding with the Manwarings
Justin and Chandler had something to prove because they both tried to haul all four kids up the hill but ending up needing some help to get it done. Here's Ellie, McKin, Ogden, and Anna.
A Merry Little Christmas
Then we dug in to the presents and McKin was so excited that she thanked the person for the gift and told them how much she loved it before she even opened it. One of my favorite parts about Christmas is seeing everyone's reaction to the presents that I've tried hard to pick out well. I was very excited to find out that Chan had gotten me a trip to NYC for Christmas!! We leave Jan. 2nd and he even got tickets for Phantom, Wicked, and the Conan O'Brien Show. I was shocked and very excited!
The next morning we woke up to find out what Santa brought. McKin got a barbie bike and a strawberry shortcake salon among other things and Halle got lots of clothes and a little bike/push toy. It is so fun to see your kids get so excited.
We then went to the Daws for a great prime rib dinner and more presents! YEA!! It was fun and it was also great to then have a relaxing night at home. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
Marc & Hailey Farewell Party
This is a shout out to my wonderful cousin Jaime Grant, who introduced me to my newest love in life, the Back to Basics Cocoa Latte. The Cocoa Latte debuted at my party as the main character in my hot chocolate bar (also Jaime's idea) which was full of all the great things you see below. We have had hot chocolate nearly every day since and yes my fridge is still full of coffee mate. I went a tad overboard, but I hate for people not to have options.
It was a great party, thanks to my great family. We definitely missed the Bradshaws for Christmas but were glad to have this little substitute.
Kin's Photography
Monday, December 24, 2007
The White Stocking
Monday, December 17, 2007
Hope Big Brother isn't watching
Friday, December 14, 2007
Belated Christmas FHE
McKinley took this photo of us at the end and I thought it turned out pretty well. Maybe photography is in her future.....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Just the housekeeper
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Birthday G-DUB!

Rise and SHOUT, and the rest of our Thanksgiving weekend.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
What Team? Wildcats!
McKin just singing along, wearing her $10 plastic hat (it did come with cotton candy)
The Plague
A lovely combo of green beans and amoxocillin.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Happy Late Birthday to the Best MOM Ever!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween....Wizard of Oz Style!
Happy Birthday Whitney!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Weekend of Halloween Parties
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Detroit, Michigan here he comes!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
McKinley's funny comments
First, I was laying on the ground with Halle's legs around my neck so that her face was right above mine. I told McKinley to come over because I needed to tell her a story. I told her that when she was a baby she was sitting like that with her "Bompa" and she spit up all over his face. We had a good laugh (sorry dad) and then she said "What's the next page?"
McKin barely touched her dinner last night, so after she proclaimed she was done after one bite, we told her that if she didn't eat more dinner there would be nothing but water for the rest of the night and she said ok. So of course all night she was begging for food and I kept repeating the consequence of her earlier choice and that she could only have water. She was trying to pull some major negotiations asking for all kinds of food and then she gave up on that and starting asking for chocolate milk and juice and I kept repeating that all she could have was water. After a while she gave up on those and came and said "Can have some chocolate water?"
What a funny girl!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I have been tagged!
The Rules are:
A. Each player create a post listing 6 facts/habits about self.
B. At the end of the post the player then tags 6 people and post their names. Then go to each of their blogs and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged and to read your blog for the rules.
So my 6 things are...
1. I am a total nighttime person, I rarely go to bed before midnight.
2. I also often myself dancing, McKinley really thinks its a rule in our family that when I turn up the music, you have to dance. (Kamber - remember the good old Rexburg days when we were awesome dancers?)
3. I really dislike Chinese food (Not the nice stuff like PF Changs, we are talking the places that barely pass health code inspections and buy MSG by the barrel like my husband loves)
4. I am always late, not because I'm lazy but because I hate the idea of getting somewhere early and having to waste precious time waiting. Consequently I always cut it way to close and am late.
5. I too have an addiction for the office and desperate housewives is my guilty pleasure. (It's really not as bad as it sounds)
6. I'm the oldest of 6 and am fiercely protective of my younger brothers and sisters. If someone hurts them, you'd better watch out. They all feel like they have 2 moms - sorry guys.
There you have it... I tag Jill Lucas, Hailey Bradshaw, Whitney Wahlen, Amber Manwaring, Emily Hanson, & Annie Albertson.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Halle's Makeover
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Painful Night
Our little dancer
Pretty sure she's not supposed to be laying on the ground right then, but oh well. She's having fun!
This pic was real blurry, but I needed to prove that she was actually doing what she was supposed to some of the time.