So, we had a great Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we went to my parents house and played out the Christmas story. McKin was the angel, Easton was baby Jesus, Whit was Mary, and Garrett (very begrudgingly) was Joseph. Oh, and Tanner was a very weak Sheperd and Chan and Shannon were even weaker wisemen. In fact, reading this post might be this first time they even realize they were supposed to be playing wisemen. Here's McKin as the angel (how ironic that sounds to me) amongst our very wordly pile of presents.

We continued our tradition of giving our gifts to Christ via the white stocking and reviewing our last years gifts. I wonder if it's bad if you put the same goals for like 5 years in a row, oh well. We also shared some thoughts about what Christmas means to us, and I really lost it when I talked about my two grandmas and the way they always reached out to others. It was kind of embarrassing, but I'm emotional what can I say? Here's Mary, Joseph (did Joseph really eat chips??), and the angel (again, the irony.)

Then we dug in to the presents and McKin was so excited that she thanked the person for the gift and told them how much she loved it before she even opened it. One of my favorite parts about Christmas is seeing everyone's reaction to the presents that I've tried hard to pick out well. I was very excited to find out that Chan had gotten me a trip to NYC for Christmas!! We leave Jan. 2nd and he even got tickets for Phantom, Wicked, and the Conan O'Brien Show. I was shocked and very excited!
The next morning we woke up to find out what Santa brought. McKin got a barbie bike and a strawberry shortcake salon among other things and Halle got lots of clothes and a little bike/push toy. It is so fun to see your kids get so excited.
We then went to the Daws for a great prime rib dinner and more presents! YEA!! It was fun and it was also great to then have a relaxing night at home. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
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