Today my sweet little Halle Pal turns 2, can you beleive it? Halle is my little sweetheart, she almost always obeys, not all the time, she is only 2. She loves to help her mom clean, has good manners, run "fass" and has a great reportoire of "tricks" aka jumping up and down and halfway doing a somersault. She loves to give her sisters hugs everyone morning and say "good morning Dee, good morning Bubba!" (dee is McKin and Bubba is Quincy, how she got that, no one knows) Halle just goes with the flow and is happy and kind along the way and we love her to pieces. Today also marks the end of a 3 day birthday marathon.
I thought that for this birthday I would finally attempt to make a cake. That's right, I have 3 kids and this is the first birthday cake I haven't ordered from Wal-Mart. It turned out ok, although a little cheesy, but I don't know if was worth the stress. I was really freaking out about it for a few days before, we'll see how I feel come July.

We had a party with my family at my parents house on Sunday after conference, everyone was already together and my Grandpa Kimball isn't doing well and my mom needs to be with him so we brought the party to them. Halle loved her gifts, almost as much as McKinley did. Here she is blowing out her candles with a little help from McKin.

Continuing the birthday festivities, Monday night we took the girls to Monsters vs. Aliens, which they loved and Halle actually sat and watched. Today Halle got a couple more presents and was ready to party.
McKin and Camdyn thought they were pretty hot stuff in the Barbie Jeep!
It was a great couple of days. We love you Halle, don't ever change!
Happy Birthday Halle! Your kids are getting older... YEAH!!!! Your cake looked amazing by the way! Go Martha Stewart!
Happy Birthday, little Halle. And the cake turned out so cute! Way to go.
Happy Birthday Halle! I remember when Chandler came to work to announce that little Halle was born. What a sweet little girl! It looks like you did a great job on the cake Angie.
I LOVE that girl! She is so easy going and happy! Happy Birthday Halle!
That cake is way cute! How did you make it?
Happy Birthday to my darling look-a-like (jk...but not about darling). You make me smile.
Time is flying by!! Halle looked adorable and I agree the cake is great. I'm sure my girls would love that as well. Good to see everyone doing well and I'm so jealous of your Hawaii trip. That looks like it was a blast!!
Happy Birthday Halle!! Next time you come to Boise Angie we would love to babysit them again. They were so cute and nice job on the cake. It looks perfect.
Wow! I can't believe she is 2 already! That is CRAZY! Doesn't it go by way to fast? Before you know it we will have teenagers!! YIKES! I am so impressed with the birthday cake! I could never do something that creative! Which is why I don't have girls! :) Happy Birthday Halle!
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