The fun began with coloring Easter Eggs on Wednesday night.
Quincy didn't get to do much, but she had fun watching and looked pretty dang cute doing it.
There seems to be some law in our household that all we can manage is completely goofball poses. Beleive it or not, these were the least goofy of about the 10 pics each that I tried to get of these crazy kids.
Saturday Morning, we met Joni, Misti, Saddie, & Easton at Jensen's Grove for some CRAZY Easter Egg Hunting! McKinley & Saddie are getting ready for the big moment, the best picture we could get beleive it or not. We also tried desperately to get a picture of Halle and Easton (wouldn't that be a great pic to show if they got married some day?) but that was definitely not happening.

Quincy Lou waiting for the fun to begin
McKin and Saddie going for it, no one should ever underestimate McKin's love of candy, it runs pretty deep.
The girls with their hauls

After we returned our easter eggs, (that's right, we are in a recession I suppose, so we return the plastic eggs for reuse and keep the candy) we let the girls play on the toys for a while.

Sunday morning they found their Easter baskets, filled mostly with books. The Easter Bunny was very into learning this year, he must have hit the 2 for 1 sale at the Kindergarten Center Book Festival.
Quincy Lou waiting for the fun to begin
Sadly, we have 9 am church and in no version of reality does this leave us time to take pictures of my darling girls in their dresses before we leave the house. So here's the pics of my kids in forward facing car seats in their Easter duds. We'll try to re-create it sometime.

After dinner, we got to have the Dunns or the "Bunns" as McKin calls them, over for dinner and we got to have Camdyn stay the night! The girls were so excited and hugging and jumping up and down.
And the best part of the Easter, my darling niece Camdyn snuggled up in a BYU Cougar blanket. Sorry Rich, it's all we had........he he
Hope everyone had a great Easter!
And the best part of the Easter, my darling niece Camdyn snuggled up in a BYU Cougar blanket. Sorry Rich, it's all we had........he he
You must explain the BYU thing
so so so cute angie! i love your little family. i wish we lived closer so we could get our kids together.
ps. my kids won't take serious pictures either. ever. it bugs.
Easter looked so fun! McKin and Halle looked gorgeous for Easter Sunday. You do their hair so incredibly cute! I need one of those chairs you have for Quincy.
The girls looked like they had a fun Easter. And they couldn't have been cuter for church. I just might come to church on next sunday. We'll see if Conner will wear his pink shirt I got him.
Fun Easter...we missed the hunt a J Grove. Cute dresses. I was reading easter morning and we have 9:00 church too. I realized that we had like 15 minutes and so Sydney dressed her and Jane, not one of my finer mom moments...:)
I sure love those precious Daw girls! The girls hair was lookin pretty cute in their Easter dresses!
Atleast you can get your girls to pose, I can't get Easton to even look at me or smile...I would love a goofy pose!
Hey Ang! Your daughter's are so BEAUTIFUL! I seriously want to take Halle home with me:) She so reminds me of Lauren for some reason. Faith has the orange dress that is on Halle. It actually is for Krystle's wedding I haven't tried it on her but it looks super cute on. I just love that Children's Place!!
That was so fun Ang! Your other pictures are so cute! I love the Easter dresses.
Awww! How fun! I love easter...looks like you guys had a good one! I can't believe how big quincy is getting.
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