The second weekend of October my sister was blessing her new darling son Cohen and her son Easton was having a birthday party and of course who can forget the BYU game so we decided to make a little weekend out of it. We stayed downtown and the first night we got there we went and explored Temple Square which was mostly shut down because there was a gay rights protest of President Packers talk, so we tried to steer clear of the weirdos but still ran into a few. We ended up taking the girls to see the Joseph Smith movie, which they loved.

The girls slept all together on the pull-out bed, quite the adventure.

Friday morning we met Jill and her boys and took the kids to the Discovery Childrens Museum in the Gateway Mall. It was amazing, we had to drag my kids away.
Halle and Quincy loved sitting in the helicopter...

McKin and Halle pretended to give the weather forecast

Halle loves this boy, he's still trying to decide how he feels about her. The enthusiasm is a little one sided, even though we know Easton loves us, the amount of attention he gets from Halle would make anyone a little weary.

McKinley loved playing grocery store,

Quincy loved the cars and animals of course,

and everytime we tried to tear this girl away from the playhouse, we would find her right back here 2 minutes later. A future homemaker in training.

Me and my darling new nephew Cohen Kimball Lucas.

Afterward we met up with the Bruderers and took our first trip to Gardner Village which was darling and McKinley and Saddie talked us into getting their eyes painted.

Sadly that is where the pictures end. What was I thinking? That night we went to eat at Benihana with the Bradshaws where we met Jon Peter Lewis (the mormon Ricks student who was a finalist on American Idol a few seasons back)! I recognized him and asked if he was JPL and totally made his decade.
The next day we went to Chuck E. Cheese for Easton's birthday and then hung out while the boys went to the BYU game and then Sunday we got to see Cohen get blessed and eat a great dinner prepared by the Lucases. It was a great weekend!
That looks like fun Angie! I didn't know about the museum at the Gateway. We'll have to check it out! Your hair is so pretty by the way!
Thanks for coming! We loved going to the museum with you and the girls. Your girls are always so great to Easton (even though he's not so nice back! ha!) and Cohen. Whether or not he shows it Easton talks about his cousins all the time! Love ya lots!
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