Returning from a glorious 2 year soul saving mission, please welcome back from Detroit Michigan, ELDER TANNER WAHLEN! (little Saturday's Warrior shout out)

The three amigos, together again

Tanner, Ladd, and Garrett with Grandpa. The three Elder Wahlens

Tanner, we'd like to introduce you to Quincy Lu, the craziest woman you ever met...

Tanner was reliving his old glory days when he ran through the banner we made for him so we tried to recreate it!

The whole airport clan

Tanner with my Uncle Val, Aunt Lori, and Ladd.

Tears of Joy

Grandpa, Carla, and Tanner

Tanner and Whit, she's changed quite a bit over the last two years!

Good to be Home!

It has been so great to have Tanner home, I know he was an awesome missionary! Halle and Quincy weren't sure what they thought of him at first, but warmed up quickly! We love you Tan!
It's so great to have Tanner home!!! He is such a good guy! Great Pictures!
What a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!!! You look amazing!!! LOVE Tanner, too bad he's family, or he and Abbie...
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