So last Thursday was McKin's second and last pre-school graduation. She did a great job! Here she is at the pre-graduation dinner at Wingers.

Looking cool in the glasses. McKin did a great job on her part, which was "We also practice the Pledge of Allegiance each day at school." However the best thing was before she said her part, she grabbed the microphone and tapped it a few times with her hand like "is this thing on?" It was pretty funny, what a sweet little nut I have!

Grandma Goodwin and Grandma Daw came, along with Grandma Wahlen and Garrett. Thanks guys!

Our little graduate

Saddie & McKin chowing down.

After the graduation was over, I was trying to get McKin together with her friends to take pictures but she was so worried about the food (She'd been telling me all day about the treats in the back after the program and let's face it, she does have MY genes) that I couldn't hold on to her long enough, but I did get one of her and sweet little Saddie.

Saddie, Misti, Me and McKinley. I know it looks like I am laying my head on Misti's shoulder but I really wasn't going for that. we come!
Man, I love that little blue dress. What cute little girls they are! Way to go, McKinley, I wasn't sure if you were going to graduate or not? I can't believe she hasn't filled me in on the whole ceremony yet.
Graduation was so fun! I wish so bad we'd gotten a video of McKin saying her part! That tapping on the mic was HI-larious! I love her personality! :)
I laughed out loud for this entire post! I will start with McKins tapping on the mic, that was so funny!!! I know, Saddie and McKin were so HUNGRY, it looked like we had never fed them. And then the pictures with your head on my shoulder, I LOVE IT!!!!
Congratulations McKin! I am so proud of you.
McKinley has got to be one of the cutest little girls in the world! I'm so glad Dusty was in her class, I think they will be buddies on the bus to kindergarten!
Congrats are quite the performer. And thanks Angie for doing this is SO fun for a Nana to read.
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