So I'm very late but we had a great Christmas break. We stayed at my parents house on the 23rd and my Dad took us out to eat at Fairview Inn and then we stayed up late playing games. We stayed until late on Christmas Eve and then came home and woke up the next morning to see what Santa brought the girls. Even though we missed everyone it was fun to do it at our own house and see the girls reactions. Every little thing McKin got she would say "I have ALWAYS wanted this!!!!"
We went to the Daws for lunch on Christmas day and they had handmade the girls their own dollhouses, which are beautiful! We got to talk to each of our brothers on missions, Sagean in Chile and Tanner in Michigan and it was great to hear their voices! Besides a lot of snow putting a damper on some travel plans, we had a great Christmas. Among other things we.....
Cooked...and ate ALOT thanks to my wonderful mother,
Had a fun FHE at my Grandpa Wahlen and his wife Carla's house (McKin and my cousin Ryan's little girl Jenny)

hoarded the m&m's (look at that face, that's some serious hoarding),

We had an awesome nativity scene with McKin as the Angel, Halle as Mary, Easton as Joseph, and an absent sleeping Quincy as the baby Jesus. Luckily Halle's baby made a great understudy. Afer that we went caroling and sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." McKinley was kind enough to remain in her angel costume to create a more visual effect.
AHHH! Whyd you put that picture of me? I was just messin around I didn't want it on the blog. I look weird! lol its okay. I still love you.
Whitney always does the same thing to my camera too....
message to Whitney- if you don't want weird pictures of you on our blogs...stop stealing our cameras!! ha ha ha (j/k whit)
cute pic of Halle hoarding the M&M's..she is so good to her cousin..sorry he is such a little booger!
So Whitney is now Marin's new best friend... whether she wants it or not! Can't wait to see the girls riding around in their cool new ride... Your pictures were so cute! Thanks for being a great friend Angie!!
What a fun Christmas! I am so glad you posted! You are a great friend and Saddie can't wait to see that Jeep!
Looks like Halle takes after her aunt Wendy and I thought quincey was my name sake1
I know I'm a little late on this, but I just had to tell you that when they say lol...I just did that really felt good. Funny stuff!
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