Where in the heck is Yellow Pine? Exactly. We drove 90 miles on dirt roads at about 25 miles per hour on all the dirt roads. I don't think I've ever been so far from civilization, but it was a blast!

Justin, Amber, Ogden, Ellie, Anna, McKinley, Chandler, Angie & Halle in front of the Yellow Pine sign. As soon as we got there and got settled, we took a little Yellow Pine tour. We saw the Yellow Pine cemetery, golf course and one room schoolhouse with no indoor plumbing.
Yellow Pine Golf Course, there are no green fees - can you beleive it?
Anna & McKinley on the tire swing outside the cabin.
On Tuesday we rode the four wheelers about 15 miles to an abandoned mining town called Stibnite, I think. There seems to be some controversy as to where we were exactly. It was very fun. McKinley had a great time and loved the 4 wheelers. Halle was quite a trooper, Chan & I took turns carrying her in a baby carrier the whole way. We joked that it was the "mama deluxe" because I've always seen ladies wearing them and thought that there comes a point when you give up any "coolness" you have left for the sake of your kids. I guess we're there!
We got back and had lunch and wiped all the bugs off of our faces and then decided to check out Yellow Pine a little more. We went to the General store and met some of the locals. Hailey tells me that during the un-summer months it's open for 11-1 on Tuesdays and Thursdays! This is McKinley, Anna, Ogden, & Ellie in front of the Yellow Pine Library. We tried to check out some books but it looked like somebody had moved in, so we hit the road!
After our tour, Halle & I stayed at the cabin to rest and everyone else went swimming in the river, but of course McKinley just wanted to play in the dirt.
Justin & Chandler got in and swam against the current. They were "going no where and getting there fast."
Amber took this picture of Chandler because she thought he looked so thoughtful. Great pose babe! On Wednesday morning we packed up and took off, we did the dirt roads in only 2 hours on the way out, as opposed to 3! We had a great time! The best part of the trip was that McKinley had no accidents (we pulled over a lot) and still hasn't so maybe the potty training nightmare is over.
Thanks to Theo & Mirla for letting us use their wonderful cabin and to our great workers who picked up the slack so we could leave, and thanks to the Manwarings for being great friends and letting us tag along!
I'm so proud of you. That looks great! Nice mention of us in your blog. I love it when I get credit.
Hi Angie and Chandler,
I love your blog! I also have a blog.. I have to do it for school. I am excited about your blog and I will be checking it reguarly to see what is going on.The girls are so cute! Love ya lots Aunt Wendy
chandler, the blog looks great! I didnt know you were so into stuff like blogs. Well ur doing a good job. Keep it up!
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