Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello Sunshine

A couple of weeks ago, McKinley had her year end dance recital. The video was too big to upload but she did an awesome job, she really rocked out. McKinley and her cousin Camdyn before the show. McKin and Brynlee Wheeler, one of her great little friends!


Sabra said...

SO cute!

I love the baby doll in the bathtub pictures too!

The Montaño’s said...

Hello Sunshine! That was so fun!! They were all so cute and did so good!!

Misti said...

That is so fun! She did so good!

Sarah said...

Plus, I think I talked over your video and ruined it! I thought you were just taking a still picture and then I realized you were video-ing. I thought it was cute when she looked like she might need to go potty there for a minute! Sorry...

Carolyn Anderson said...

Hey Angie! I just came across your blog! Your kids are darling! I hope you guys are doing well!
Carolyn (Grow):)