On July 17, 2009 my life changed forever when my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. I was devastated and heart broken of course and the next year and a half was a roller coaster of highs and lows, dread of what was coming, test results, and tears. On November 15, I went to the doctor with my mom and dad and my mom told the doctor she was done and he agreed there was nothing left to do and gave her 2-4 weeks to live. My mom fought a good fight and tried so hard to be around for her family but the Lord needed her more with him and my mom passed away on November 23, 2010 at 9:25 in the morning and I was by her side when she went. I will miss my mom more than words can say and I am still grieving for the lost time together, she was my best friend and THE most Christ-like person I have ever and will ever have the privilege of knowing. Her love for the Savior showed in everything she did. She loved me for who I am and understood me so well and I am really missing that and probably always will. Most of all, I grieve for my children who miss their Nana so much and have lost out an opportunity to be grandmothered by my mom, and I know that would have enriched their lives greatly.
I am grateful for my testimony of the Gospel, a loving Heavenly Father, a great husband and kids and the chance I will have to be with my mom again. I love you mom, can't wait until we meet again.